Thursday, October 4, 2007
I'm referring to one of the words we got during the warm-up week: SWEET. That's how everything feels right now. The project is running so smoothly that it's hard to avoid smiling when thinking of it. Todays round-up looks something like this: Max and I went shopping... again. We bought the wooden material we were going to use for the buttons on the Wall Frame. Me and Max (mostly me) used a saw to cut them into the right size and Susanna and Cecilia painted them. This means that the Wall Frame is close to be completed! Tjo!
The Wall Frame with the electronics in place
Cecilia and Susanna paints the Wall Frame. Check out the color of the "buttons". Neat, huh!
The program that will control the memory game was initially supposed to be written in Flash (using Action Script 3.0). Filip gets more and more convinced that he won't be able to make it since the scripting was harder to learn than he initially thought. I haven't had the time to sit down with him as much as I would like. Currently it seems like we're going to use the back-up program i wrote in JavaScript to run the game on the exhibition. Personally I haven't given up on Flash yet. Now that the Wall Frame is almost done I can focus more on the program.
Screenshot of the graphically very basic JavaScript program as it looks right now
Nothing much to report regarding the exhibition today. Instead I can mention the deadline of the Magazine Brief we had today. We compiled some information about our project and mailed to the Stockholm group that will write the article on our project. Perhaps you who read this is a member of group 4 STO?
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