Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Susanna Averpil:

Introduction to Experience Technology

This is the blog for group 3 in Experience Technology.
You are going to see personal posts from the different group members as the project evolves, where we will share our own perspective on the project. Right now, this is me, Susanna writing.

Yesterday we got our assignment in experience technology, where each group has to create a solution that involves one or several components that they are assigned. Take a part and build something new. We got a wireless keyboard and mouse, which to send key presses and mouse movements to a computer.

Now, we have been exploring what can be measured and controlled by key presses and mouse movements. How it can be turned into an interface, and we have some ideas about our project. We have been brainstorming, and found out some ideas we like. Tomorrow we will speak to Nikolaus Theologou from GamePort, and find out wheter our ideas is technically possible to carry out.

Here are some sketches of our ideas. We are all into doing a game, and want it to be interactive in some way. The first one is about using the key-technology to do a memory game, on the wall, with sound. Instead of memorize pictures, you have to memorize different sounds.
The second is based on the game hang man, where wou stand on a "carpet" with letters, and a have a big screen in front of you. When you stand for 5 seconds, the letter turns up on the screen, and you play the game. Then you stand on another letter and see if that matches to the word.
The third one is about moving the surface instead of the mouse, and use the technology togheter with a flash-game. We were thinking of tetris and maybe do a game with the same basic idea. One of the ideas is an icecream-game, where you manouver the cone and try to catch the right icecream-flavours. So you get an order of an icecream, and then you have to do it right, otherwise you loose money. So, you steer the "board" with a joystick and looks at a big screen and try to manouver it.

Since we donĀ“t know which project we are going to develop, we have not decided any roles in our group yet. Tomorrow we will organize everything with a project plan, roles, structures, when we know what project we vill use.
Today we also had a group follow-up which I think everyone in the group was satisfied with. We now know how to do things better in a clear way.


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